Critical Reflection
Good day! My name is Wei Yan, and I am writing this final critical reflection with regards to my experience and opinion throughout the 13 weeks for the module ME1281 Effective communication. The initial goals set by myself was to improve on speaking skills, writing skills and ultimately, to be an effective communicator. I am extremely satisfied and happy to say that my hard work and efforts have paid off, enabling myself to present more confidently along with better writing skills. It was a huge improvement since the first lesson whereas I have to interact with other peers in the class during the ice-breaking activities as well as pairing up with other peers to work on the writing skill which includes paraphrasing and citations. With the guidance and assistance from Professor Brad, sufficient opportunities were given to allow students to speak up during the face-to-face classes which is a very good practice for students to improve on their oral skills and written skills. For the m...